In this second installment of our Fresh Thinking Moment series, Simon Bray (Head of Capabilities for ?What If! Innovation and speaker at the upcoming Brand ManageCamp 2009) explains his views on 'Fresh Thinking.' Highlights include:
- The need to get outside your comfort zone by going to new and different places for inspiration as well as the need to challenge existing rules and assumptions
- The 'Fresh Thinking' behind Hyundai's Assurance promotion
- How to generate inspiration by structuring new and different activities into your life. Simon's own examples include joining a story-telling group and getting together with a bunch of folks he doesn't know in NYC to only speak French with each other (and none of them are native or fluent French speakers!)
Simon is a brilliant guy (and he's British - so everything he says sounds smart anyway) with some fantastic ideas on 'Fresh Thinking.' Check out the video below to hear them directly from Simon himself. And for more Simon, be sure to join us at Brand ManageCamp 2009 in Las Vegas on October 5-6!